Thursday, May 23, 2024

the almost daily dodger - pee wee reese

while baseball cards initially were sold in packages of tobacco, cards in the latter part of the 20th century were included in boxes of cereal and in boxes of granola bars and on boxes of cake-ish treats and so on or so forth, as well as with the standard chewing gum. 

in 1992, you could find cards in boxes of ziploc bags
pee wee reese represented the dodgers in that set, and it's actually a fairly rare card in terms of reese being shown as a los angeles dodger.

in my household growing up, we were not ziploc users. we used the type of sandwich bag that folded into itself and later what i would consider glad technology - blue and yellow make green or whatever. probably not even glad brand, but rather generic store brand sandwich bags. in the 1990's i wasn't buying sandwich bags at all - i used aluminum foil for my sandwiches that i would take to work.

in recent years, cards have once again been used to promote things such as food products and air travel services and baseball hats. i think we will know when this current sports card bubble has burst when cards once again show up in packages of sandwich bags.

1 comment:

  1. I just had a student lecture me on the use of Ziploc bags. I was actually pretty impressed with her knowledge of why they're bad for the environment. Sadly... I just bought a bunch at Costco... so I won't be giving up on their products for at least 6 months.
