Saturday, May 11, 2024

send in the crowd

space is at a premium on gary sheffield's 1998 upper deck ud3 card
which is actually the third of three different sheffield cards in the base set.

the photo used comes from camera day, which featured a pregame opportunity to get on the field at dodger stadium and take photos of players as they wandered by. i've been to this event a couple of times, although i don't believe it is still a thing.

it's nice to see matt luke, the kttv microphone, and the handheld tv camera in addition to the pavilion roof and the throngs of dodger fans. and speaking of throngs of people, i have found myself in texas this weekend and will be hitting up a card show. i am hoping to find lots of dodger cards in the bargain bins!


  1. Welp, there's a card I need for my "interviews" mini-collection! (Just looking at that photo gives me claustrophobia.)

  2. Hope you're having fun in Texas... and you found those cheap Dodgers cards you were looking for.
