Friday, March 4, 2022

history of a fence

many people recognized and commented on cy young's 2021 topps archives card
that featured the all-time wins leader in a yard of clover with the all-american white (although somewhat dingy) picket fence behind him. i thought i was one of them, but a quick look back at my archives post doesn't mention it. well, the card stood out to me, too. 

i am sure some also mentioned that this is one of the few images of young that have graced cards in recent memory. back in 2009, young and this image appeared on a topps turkey red insert:
it looks like, based on this timeline, the fence was originally chain link, but the clover field was in place and well established back then.

that same year, young was wearing the same uniform on this 2009 topps target legends of the game gold insert card:
the chain link is gone, replaced by a yellowing picket fence. maybe it was a salvaged fence that was installed, and it looks like someone took a bunch of roundup to the yard.

here's the same image on a 2010 topps vintage legends insert:
same uniform, same dirt yard, but the fence looks pretty nice in this version of the image. maybe he's standing in aunt polly's yard? it's too bad tom sawyer and his pals don't do landscaping, because the clover came back between the time this card was issued and 2021 when we saw his archives card. shown up top at least young changed his uniform for the latest version of the card.

it's also worth noting that on these four cards young is representing at least three different teams. in 2021, it's the red sox. on the turkey red card, it's the cleveland naps. there is no clear affiliation on the legends of the game card, and on the 2010 card he's a boston american.  i can't wait to see where this image turns up next, and what the fence looks like!


  1. I never noticed the ever-shifting fence! Cy Young's cards seem to use the same two or three photos, and they all seem to be ascribed to different teams. I have some cards that feature the exact same photos divided between my Indians & Red Sox binders.

    1. i didn't include it but his 1983 donruss hof heroes card shows no fence.

  2. I don't have any of those Cy Young cards. My favorite of the ones I have is a '75 mini style from 2011 Lineage that puts him with the SPIDERS.

    1. there should be more spiders and naps cards officially recognized as such. better than guardians in my opinion.

  3. The last version I saw was on a Panini Donruss card... where he's standing in front of a logoless brick wall. There's actually a very rare variant with Punxsutawney Phil coming out of the ground and seeing his shadow, but good luck trying to track that card down.

    1. it would make sense for the fence to eventually become brick or wrought iron.

  4. Very cool. I've only seen the latest Archives card. I like it because of the fence - it almost gives it a backyard barbecue pick-up game type of feel to it.

    1. i would love to know where the photo was taken.
