Thursday, March 3, 2022

come rain or come shine

i think by now we can agree that variations are pretty useless. the first one i remember was the 1979 topps bump wills card saying he was a blue jay. it was a novelty and interesting and unexpected. these days, there are so many variations, it is a surprise when a base card isn't given the treatement.

back in 2003, topps was variant crazy, at least with bowman heritage and topps heritage, and they also included a few alternative images in their gallery hall of fame edition set. here are a couple, side by side with the base versions, that i found in my long ignored monster boxes. first up is joe morgan:
it's a bright, sunshiny day on the left, but looks like rain in morgan's alternative universe.  lou brock
got a similar treatment, although the worst part of the variation is that topps replaced his pillbox hat!

i didn't seek these out; rather i bought a box of the stuff. i did go and find the duke snider, don sutton and tommy lasorda variations, the last two of which featured fully erased backgrounds. i haven't looked to see what variations lurk in 2022 topps yet, but i know they are there.


  1. I wasn't really interested in parallels until Matthew Boyd got to Detroit, and then I became obsessed with getting as many as I could, especially his 2021 Topps card.

    1. i can get behind certain parallels but variations like these don't impress me much

  2. Just commenting to applaud your post title - one of my all time favorite songs. My wife and I actually have "Come Rain" and "Come Shine" on our wedding bands.

    1. that's really cool. probably my favorite ray charles vocal is on his version of this song.

    2. That's a good one. I'm partial to the BB King/Eric Clapton version.

  3. I have a couple of these Gallery variations, but I must've gotten them by accident because I know I've never sought one out. I kinda like complete photo variations, but I agree that stuff like this probably shouldn't exist.

  4. I love this set. Picked it up with all 74 variants for a little over the price of two blasters ten years ago. I immediately placed it into a binder for easy viewing. Although... the binder is buried somewhere in boxes :D

  5. They gotta easily mark somewhere on the card that one is a can't just be some serial number in small print.
