Friday, February 4, 2022

it's moider i tells ya!

i recall herman munster trying out for the dodgers, but i don't recall curly ever catching in the american league. still, the bald stooge seems to show up in the cartoon on the back of larry jackson's 1957 topps card:
"moider". nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

note that there is no reason that the number of homers mantle hit right handed appear in the answer. that was not part of the question.

actually, i learned preparing this post that moider is an actual word used in ireland and parts of the uk, and essentially means "to confuse" or even "to pester". i suppose that works, too. perhaps the cartoonist was of irish descent and there is nothing to see here. carry on.


  1. Never heard or seen the word "moider" until today.

    1. i may be wrong, but i think watching "the three stooges" is where i heard it first. hence my reference to curly. as bo says below, it's an accent thing.

  2. That was a play on the Brooklyn/NY accent that was much more common in '57, pretty much extinct today.

    1. yep. understood. i should have made that more clear in the post - i thought the accent was more well known!

  3. It's pretty common to hear moider being said in older films. I've been known to use it a few times myself :)
