Friday, April 22, 2022

let's have another almost free stuff friday

it's friday! i am going to post a bunch of cards that don't fit in my collection. you can select up to six (to keep mailing easy) - you just have to send me at least one card from my want list in return. bonus points if you send one of my most wanted cards. i think you know the reason behind the "almost free" part, so i am not going to explain like i have in the past.

most of what i will offer are inserts, including parallels, with some short prints and a variation or two, plus a few regular old base cards. they are all regular sized cards. nothing too fancy, but hopefully some of these will find a new home in a mutually beneficial transaction. the cards are pretty much in chronological order, except for the jeff kent hit parade there in group 4. sorry about that.

here are the cards:

group 1

group 2
the 1986 world series card is the glossy version

group 3

group 4

group 5

group 6

group 7

group 8

group 9

group 10

group 11

group 12

stake your claim in the comments and send me an email with your mailing address. thanks for helping me streamline my collection a bit!


  1. I'll play.

    Group 1: Jackson, Carlton, Seaver
    Group 10: Canseco


    1. thanks for playing. i'll get your cards out this week.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can I claim:
    Group 1: Wills
    Group 3: O'Neill, Sheffield
    Group 4: Karros
    Group 11: Rizzo
    Group 12: Bieber


    1. thanks for playing. i'll get your cards out this week.

  4. If it's not too late, I'll take

    Group 4: Kent
    Group 6: Floyd
    Group 7: Bay, Martinez, Peavy
    Group 10: Polanco
    Group 12: Castellanos

    1. wasn't too late! please re-send your address to me and i'll get your cards out this week.

  5. It doesn't appear that there's anything for me to claim, but it is nice to see you bringing this back. It's funny too how few people showed up to claim anything, all because you want at least one card in return. Meanwhile, if these were being given away completely free, you'd have people coming out of the woodwork trying to get stuff; this I know from personal experience.

  6. Wow! 4 days late and still some great cards! I'll claim:

    Group 1: Mike Schmidt
    Group 4: Pudge Rodriguez
    Group 6: David Ortiz
    Group 7: David Ortiz
    Group 9: Craig Breslow
    Group 12: Bobby Doerr

    1. you got 'em matt. please re-send your address and i'll get the cards out this week.
