Friday, December 20, 2024

here's a card that flew into my collection

here's another non-sport card that i have in my collection
it's from the 1991 topps rocketeer set that showcased the major motion picture "the rocketeer". i've not seen the movie, but the card shows a plane being pushed out of a hangar at fictitious chaplin airfield. here's the back:
now, you may wonder, if i haven't seen the movie then why did i want the card in my collection?

first, i need to thank tom at the angels, in order for showing some cards from this set a long time ago which first alerted me to the fact that there were cards for the movie. next, i went to comc to cruise the database to see if any of the cards featured the hangar that disney built for the film.

now, the reason for that is that my dad was part of the group that worked to acquire the hangar from disney (or whomever owned it after filming) to convert into a space for a local air museum. the hangar, because it was a prop, wasn't built to code and so my dad and a bunch of other volunteers spent a large number of weekends working to fortify and improve the place. here are a couple of photos that my dad took around 1994 when the hangar was acquired:
that photo is at a similar angle as the one on the card. you can see that they didn't bother to finish the one side. here's a straight on shot
not sure if the broken windows were the result of vandalism or just cheap materials. anyway, the building was improved and now houses an array of aeronautical items on california's central coast. next time i am in town, i think i will stop by to check it out!


  1. That's really cool Jim. What city is it in? I might take my nephew and his girlfriend down to SLO for a day trip. If it's along the way... maybe we'll check it out.

  2. This movie was a favorite of mine when I was growing up. I've probably seen it more times than a normal human should've, but still enjoy it to this day (even though I only watch it once every couple of years now). That's a really neat connection to have to a film. Many thanks to your dad for helping to save the building/set.
