Sunday, August 4, 2024

his name is jose miranda

it's already been a month since the fourth of july, which is hard to believe. that also means it's been a month since i've been to a major league baseball game. i mentioned before the fourth that i was planning to head to target field to see the twins take on the tigers, and i did just that. here's my digital ticket stub

it was not the best weather day for a game - it rained off and on - and the game was eventually called after seven innings with the twins taking the game 12-3. we stayed for the whole thing and got to see jose miranda have a game. he went 5 for 5 in a game that would become part of his record setting streak of hit in 12 consecutive at bats. it was the best performance by a miranda that my wife and i had seen in person since seeing "hamilton" in new york back in 2015.

given miranda's big day, topps put out a card that now sits in my "games i've attended" collection
here's the back:
these were actually the only "fireworks" we saw that day, as most communities canceled or postponed their shows due to the weather.

i don't know that i will get to another game this year, but if i do, i hope something worthy of a card happens!


  1. I was at that game too! I didn't think to check if Topps would produce a card though.

  2. That's so cool that Topps produced a card for Miranda's performance. Nothing really significant happened at the lone game I attended this year... but I am hoping Topps produces a card for the last game at the Coliseum.
