Wednesday, January 15, 2025

clubbed again

just before christmas i was in houston, and i found myself at target picking up a few things. i took a look at the card aisle and found a smattering of cards. no chrome update, but packs of allen & ginter, update, and blasters of stadium club. you might recall how i purchased a couple of blasters of the latter previously, and was rewarded with an abundance of astros red foil parallels. i figured i would reverse engineer the cardverse karma, and so i bought another blaster of 2024 topps stadium club.

it didn't work.

here are the bulk of the red parallels i found
not astros, but not the cards this dodger fan was hoping for, either.  here are the other two red foil parallels from the box
right division, wrong team.

that ha-seong kim card doesn't show it as a red foil parallel, but it's a tattooine card and so i was pleased to find the base version
for my collection.

the only dodger i found was a chrome parallel of shohei ohtani's card
what this means is that after four blasters and a micro box, i found exactly two dodgers. both were chrome parallels, to boot. 

most of the base cards i found in this blaster were duplicates. in fact, most of the base cards i found across all of my blasters were cardinals, guardians, yankees, rays, reds, and twins. this is crazy but with the collation in this year's stadium club it's not much of a surprise. i am expecting better results when the three archives blasters i ordered show up.

in the meantime, i did pick up a couple of dodger parallel singles to ease my frustration. i added both clayton kershaw's red foil
and chrome parallels. 
i also picked up a max muncy red foil parallel to fill out a sportlots order, but didn't bother to scan the card. if anyone out there got a dodger blaster, let me know!


  1. Is the red foil version of a Tatooine card a Mustafar card?

    1. Mustafar card :D. I like that. That's a cool card of Kim. It'll be interesting to see where he lands, because he's a great player.
