Sunday, June 4, 2023

you're my inspiration

i enjoy being a part of this blogging community. hosting my own blog(s) has helped me appreciate my collection more than i otherwise would have, and reading the blogs of others and the related interactions has led to the expansion of my collection beyond what i would have thought possible.

the trades are the big things, of course, but just seeing cards posted by fellow collectors that i would not otherwise be aware of often inspires me to add those cards to my collection. here are just a few recent examples.

fuji posted some old baseball card magazines a while back, including one that featured this 1990 card of steve carter and jeff huson
huson, of course, is standing in dodger stadium, and so off i went to add this card to my dodger stadium collection. while searching for the card, i found another 1990 baseball card magazine card to add
i have no problem adding barry bonds cards to my collection. these cards are especially appreciated now that the original right field scoreboard is no more.

back when 2022 topps stadium club was released, i made a big deal of how the vladimir guerrero card featured a photo of him sitting at the edge of the visitor's dugout at dodger stadium. nick from dime boxes commented that topps had used that same photo before, and so i tracked that card down, too
that's from the 2019 topps x vlad jr the legend online set. i had no idea until nick took the time to comment.

night owl shared this 1971 topps partridge family card
a while back, and i decided it would make a quirky addition to my dodger stadium collection. i don't really believe that they are in dodger stadium ,but the sign makes reference to the facility so it makes the grade. i was curious about the people in the background - as in are they players - but this photo from getty images
suggests that they are just extras and not actual dodgers. looks like guys like jim lefebvre missed out on more tv credits. i used to watch the partridge family in reruns in the mid 1970s, but don't remember this particular episode. i checked it out on prime video and the dodger piece is part of a "blink and you'd miss it" dream sequence. in his dream, danny bought the dodgers for his little brother chris after achieving superstardom success as a solo artist. this after a review of a partridge family show said that danny had "star quality". the twist at the end of the episode is that the reviewer was actually writing about chris and got their names mixed up. hilarity ensued, indeed.

night owl also shared this 1997 sportflics kellogg's card of ralph kiner
with one of the photos being the same one that was used for a 1950 sport magazine cover. this is significant because that photo shows kiner wearing the black armband that the team wore for their late teammate tiny bonham for the last couple of weeks of the 1949 season. i did not have a card in my collection to represent that memorial, but after seeing night owl's post, i picked up a copy and now i do!  i've updated my earlier post that referenced this armband as well.

finally, jon at penny sleeves recently hosted a spate of giveaways featuring dozens of great cards. one of the cards he offered up was this 1978 tcma the 1960's denny mclain card
had jon not posted that card, i would likely have never known of its existence. the card is significant to me because it shows mclain wearing the black armband he and his teammates wore for their late manager chuck dressen. dressen passed away in august of 1966, so the team wore the armbands for just a short time. i had previously searched for cardboard (and even just photographic) evidence of the armband but came up empty as i obviously missed this card. even though i was too late to claim the card in jon's giveaway, his post informed and inspired me to find another copy and add it to my collection.

thanks to all who blog and post cards for us to see, sometimes for the first time!


  1. Deciding to start a card blog was probably the best hobby decision I've made outside of starting a card collection. The camaraderie among bloggers is the obvious perk, but I'm glad you also wrote about having a deeper appreciation of our own collection too. Sometimes I think my cards would just sit and be hidden from eyes forever if I didn't make the effort to dig through them periodically in search for a card for a post.

    As for reading other blogs... I'd say half of my eBay purchases this year were inspired by blog posts I read.

  2. I never watched The Partridge Family, but the synopsis of that episode sounds like something that I would've enjoyed as a kid. I don't know how well it would translate to adult me though.

    This post reminds me, I've still got a couple of scans from blogger inspired purchase to post about...
