Monday, September 2, 2024

hof benefits

i suppose it's no surprise that with todd helton joining the hall of fame that i would see some of his cards pop up on ebay. i moved a couple of adrian beltre cards around the time of the induction myself, and i am sure that other folks had the same idea.

luckily for me, one seller decided to part with this 2003 upper deck vintage helton card
which comes from the short printed 3-d sluggers subset. while i count my 2003 ud vintage set complete without all of the 3-d cards, i do like to add them when the price is right.

for whatever reason (lack of interest in rockies cards?), this one was won with a single bid and my collection is one card closer to a goal that will probably never be reached.

if you are wondering, i have a bunch of ichiro cards that will probably see the market in january when the class of 2025 is announced!


  1. Guess if I'm smart... I'll try and target some Ichiro cards before January :D

  2. I love the "3D" cards that we very occasionally get like this these days. Maybe I appreciate them more because they so few and far between now. That's a great looking Helton and I hope you can add more to your set.

  3. I think I'll be letting go of some of my better Ichiro cards come January as well.
