Saturday, February 17, 2024

hoping for handshakes

at the start of every season, all fans are hoping for the best for their team. some are reasonable about expectations or have come to terms with the likelihood of eventual failure, but there is hope regardless. in baseball, success is recognized through the celebration that occurs on the field after a game is completed.

the ultimate celebration comes at the end of the world series, and is usually a mass of humanity jumping up and down. it used to be a bit tamer, with handshakes coming before hugs. here's a 2013 topps chrome update postseason heroes card of sandy koufax after the last out of the 1963 world series
he's waiting to shake john roseboro's hand. here's the regular topps update card 
that makes it clear that game 4 was a day game. that doesn't happen anymore, either.

there are 32 days until the seoul series kicks off the 2024 season, and i am hoping for a celebration at the end of it for the dodgers!


  1. As an A's fan... I have come to terms with the likelihood of eventual failure. But I have moderate hopes for the Padres. It'll be hard for them to take down the Dodgers, but a wild card spot is a possibility.

  2. Topps used this image in their 2011 Update Series too.
