Thursday, May 9, 2024

the almost daily dodger - todd hollandsworth

i recently added a 1995 select certified todd hollandsworth card to a sportlots order. it was the last card i needed to complete my dodger team set, and it looks like this:
that is actually the second 1995 select certified todd hollandsworth that the seller sent to me, because the first one looked like this:
i am not sure how you even put that one in the envelope. for 20 cents maybe i didn't need to ask for a refund (i didn't realize that the guy had another card, which makes me wonder even more why he pulled and sent the messed up card instead of the good one in the first place), but what i got at first wasn't close to acceptable filler material, even for a mid 1990's throwaway team set.

to the seller's credit, he spent more making it right than he needed to, as he could have just refunded me rather than slap another stamp on an envelope and send a second card out. 

1 comment:

  1. is the damaged one a printing error? if so, it makes it a pretty cool collectible.
