Tuesday, April 30, 2024

more like this, please

more murals. more cards showing murals. it's a simple request
i recently found brendan donovan's 2023 topps heritage card in a pack, and can't get enough of it even though i am not a cardinals fan.

i am a fan of these murals - the dodgers, braves, angels, white sox, and cardinals have all had them at one point or another - and i especially love when they show up on cardboard. donovan's card in particular is great because it gives a glimpse of august busch, for whom the team retired number 85. it's the only cardboard i know of that has that feature, and i will take it even though it meant that the mural to the left of bruce sutter isn't shown, and that mural features jackie robinson.

thanks topps!


  1. That Donovan cracked my frankenset without much of a fight. It's a wonderful card.
